Saturday, 6 June 2009

Project 12 - Debbie's Skirt - Update

all finished - I had the fear that it was going to be too small as it looked tiny, but made martha up to her measurements and it looks fine.

Update: Debbie loved it - it's such a treat to be able to give things to my friends and see their smiles

Project 12 - Debbie's Skirt

Well, it's a close friend's birthday this week and we're out tonight so I'm going to make her up this skirt

Got to the market before the stalls were even set up (I couldn't help it, I was excited) and after a walk in the rain got her these two fabrics

About 1 1/2 hours till we're due to go out, probably have an hour or two when we get home - no problem (fingers crossed)
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